Are you ready to enjoy food again without uncomfortable digestive issues?

Are you ready to regain your energy and vitality?

  • Do you have digestive symptoms like constipation, bloating, diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, skin rashes, brain fog, fatigue, joint pain, reoccurring infections or anxiety no matter what you eat?

  • Does your fear surrounding these uncomfortable digestive symptoms hold you back from your social life?

  • Are you confused by which foods you should or should not eat and because of this your diet has become limited to certain ‘gut -safe’ foods?

  • Have you tried a gut healing protocol in the past but either couldn’t stick with the restrictive diet or your symptoms came right back as soon as you went off of it?

  • Are you lacking drive and energy?

  • Have you been told you have IBS but, don’t have a clear understanding orf what that means or what to do next?

It’s time to break the cycle and get to the root of your digestive issues with a whole body/whole food approach


nutrition gut health coach

Hi friend! I’m Dawn

I help women heal their gut so they can live their happiest and most abundant life. I work with women who struggle with the discomfort of digestive symptoms like constipation, bloating, diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, skin rashes, brain fog, fatigue, joint pain, reoccurring infections or anxiety. Women who feel like they have no time for themselves to resolve these symptoms let alone try and care for their families health as well. They are left confused about which foods or diets would work for them and often turn to supplements for relief. I help them sort through the external advice and create a whole food based nutrition plan and lifestyle modification & mindset technique plan that fits their life best. Nutrition shouldn’t be one size fits all, nor should meals have 20 or more ingredients and take an hour to make. It has to be simple to be sustainable.

I truly believe that the body has the ability to heal itself, given the right environment and circumstances. My mission is to be a guiding hand for you and provide you with actionable steps to overcome your digestive health challenges, even when it may seem like you’ve already tried everything under the sun.

My own digestive struggles led me to do this work that I love. I was plagued for years with chronic gut infections and symptoms like constipation, bloating, fatigue, joint pain and brain fog. I would start a gut healing diet, be disappointed by the results, and stop. I was doing everything right yet I wasn’t getting lasting results. I’d fall back into a flare up loop. I accumulated thousands of dollars in supplements that promised results but, I never really felt better. Then I stumbled across integrative nutrition. I learned that true healing had to focus on the person as a whole and incorporate food, lifestyle and mindset. I really started to make big shifts in my life when I began incorporating what I had learned. It’s those various guidelines, therapies and tools that are incorporated into my work.

Each journey is unique.

Yours begins with a burning desire and decision that you're ready to live joyfully again.



What People Are Saying


“Dawn helped me with multiple concerns, including leaky gut, skin/rosacea issues, chronic fatigue, and an autoimmune disorder. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis in late 2020. Within 6 months of starting to work with Dawn, my anti-thyroid antibodies decreased by 76% per my blood work, and I am continuing to see improvements in my overall health, mood, and energy levels. Her encouraging, non-judgmental attitude and calming presence make her very easy to work with. I highly recommend her to anyone in need of help with these concerns.”

— Monica D.

“I am blessed to have found my way to Dawn. I have worked with other health coaches and naturopaths over the past
few years but have not experienced the results I have with Dawn. She really takes the time to listen and understand what is going on and looks at the whole person - mind, body and spirit. She is understanding, responsive, supportive and knowledgeable. She provided me with numerous resources and methods to help me achieve my goals. And was flexible when an unexpected issue
popped up. She doesn't just jump to prescribe supplements as the solution but has a thoughtful and measured approach to addressing the issues. Using Dawn's recommendations, I feel much better and have experience significant reduction in my symptoms - and I feel like I have the tools and knowledge to handle dips as the arise.”

— Lynda

“I recommend Dawn to anyone that is looking for that person that can understand your digestive issues and will go the extra mile to help you get relief and ultimately the treatment you deserve. She led my 1-on-1 program completely at my pace and my comfort level which spoke volumes to me. She was courteous enough to send me a book in the mail regarding my main initial concern, SIBO. Together we prioritized what was most important and laid out how things would align with my lifestyle prior to me making any huge changes in my diet & supplements.”

— Melissa A.